Weekly In-Person Sit Details
When: Wednesday evenings from 5:30 - 6:45 pm
Where: Open Door Meditation Community, 160 Presumpscot Street, Suite 2D, Portland, ME 04103
Group sits begin at 5:30 pm and are led by Dharma Leaders or Community Volunteers. Depending on who is leading the evening, it may include a guided or silent sit, a Dharma talk or reading, and breakout groups to allow for interaction and opportunities to share our practice with each other. The evening ends at 6:45 pm.
We are currently without a permanent space, but will keep everyone updated via our weekly email. Sign up for our mailing list to get weekly sit reminders to the in-person and virtual sits with the Zoom link to our Tuesday Sits delivered right to your inbox.
Open Door operates on a Dana (or generosity) basis; there are no fees charged for any programs offered. Operating in this way allows equal access to the Buddha’s teachings and aligns Open Door with the foundational Buddhist principle and practice of generosity—which may take the form of offering money to the organization to cover expenses, to the teacher to support their livelihood, or contributing by volunteering on a committee.
All experience levels are welcome. ​
June 26 Susa Talan -- in the Outdoor Classroom at Baxter Woods
July 3 Community Sit with Ursula Munro in Baxter Woods
July 10 Community Sit--look for location in weekly email
July 17 Susa Talan (Baxter Woods)
July 24 Julia Gooding (Baxter Woods)
July 31 Julia Gooding (Good Medicine Collective)
August 7 Susa Talan (Baxter Woods)
August 14 Lynn Teo (Baxter Woods)
August 21 Julia Gooding (Good Medicine Collective)
August 28 Beau Demkar (Open Door: 160 Presumpscot Street, Suite 2D)
September 4 Amy Bird (Open Door)
September 11 Yenkuei Chuang (Open Door)
September 18. Beau Demkar (Open Door)
September 25 Susa Talan (Open Door)